Video Transcript: All contractors and subcontractors performing work on commercial jobs over $50,000 (including installation of equipment), are required to have a commercial license issued by MSBOC. A commercial license is also required for any contract involving the construction, reconstruction, repair or maintenance of fire sprinkler systems on public projects over $5,000 and private projects over $10,000.
All contractors performing new residential construction over $50,000, residential remodeling or additions over $10,000, or residential roofing over $10,000, are required to have a license issued by MSBOC. Subcontractors performing residential electrical, mechanical, HVAC, or plumbing work on a residential construction or residential improvement project are required to be licensed by MSBOC. A state license is also required for construction managers and residential solar contractors.
Video Transcript: The first thing you will need to do is complete an application. You can download an application from this website or we can mail an application to you. All the requirements are on the instruction page.
Return the completed application and we will forward a candidate information bulletin to you that contains all the testing information. The bulletin tells you how to schedule an exam, which books are allowed in the exam, and where to get the books. The tests are open book. All applicants are required to take a Law and Business Management exam. Depending upon the classification of licensure you are applying for, a trade exam may also be required.
MSBOC will also send the qualifier’s info to PSI, the testing agency. No candidate will be allowed to schedule the exam unless MSBOC has sent his or her info to PSI. Once PSI receives the qualifier’s info, MSBOC will email you and let you know that you are in their system and can now schedule the exam. This is why you must provide a valid email.
Once we receive all documentation requested on the application and the passing exam scores, the information will be submitted to the Board for review and approval. MSBOC processes completed applications on a weekly basis. It takes approximately 7 working days for the application to go through the Board review process and the license to be issued. A license is good for one year and it is the contractor’s responsibility to renew the license each year.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Military Family Freedom Act, Mississippi shall recognize occupational licenses obtained from other states for military members and their families pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. §73-50-1. This means trade exams may be waived for qualified applicants.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Universal Recognition of Occupational Licenses Act, Mississippi shall recognize occupational licenses obtained from other states pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. §73-50-2. This means trade exams may be waived for qualified applicants.
Video Transcript: As a courtesy, MSBOC will mail a renewal application to current licensees approximately 60 days before the expiration date listed on the certificate of licensure. The application for renewal will be mailed to the address of record on file with MSBOC. It is the responsibility of the license holder to renew a license annually and to notify MSBOC of any change in address.
A commercial or residential license can be processed as a late renewal for up to 180 days after the expiration date printed on the certificate of licensure. A commercial or residential license that has been expired for more than 180 days cannot be renewed, but will require a new application for licensure instead.
You can download the form to print and complete and mail to our office. If you prefer, you may renew online by selecting the ONLINE LICENSE RENEWAL option on our website. If you select the ONLINE LICENSE RENEWAL option, please pay online AND upload your documents. Please DO NOT mail documents separately when paying online. Mailing in documents separately after paying online will cause further delay.
Video Transcript: Yes, all applicants for a license or renewal are required to show proof of general liability insurance coverage. MSBOC must be listed on the policy to be notified in the event of cancellation. There is no requirement for a minimum policy amount for residential license holders, but commercial applicants must provide a certificate of insurance evidencing current minimum coverage of $300,000 per occurrence and $600,000 aggregate.
All active license holders must show proof of general liability insurance in order to remain in good standing. However, if a license holder is not actively building, the license holder can request to be placed on “INACTIVE” status. In order to do so, the license holder must return their license and submit a written request to be placed on inactive status along with a $25.00 processing fee. A new license will be issued reflecting the “INACTIVE” status.
In order to return to “ACTIVE” status, the license holder must submit a written request to be returned to “ACTIVE” status along with a $25.00 processing fee and proof of general liability insurance. Commercial license holders will also have to produce required financial information before returning to active status. Upon receipt, a new license will be issued reflecting the “ACTIVE” status.
Video Transcript: MSBOC has reciprocity agreements with various other states. Refer to the Reciprocity section on this website for a current listing of those states. Note: reciprocity applies to trade exams only. Contractors must still apply for a license and fulfill all other MSBOC requirements for licensure.
In order to add a classification to your license, you must complete an ADDITIONAL CLASSIFICATION FORM and pay $100.00 for each additional class you add to your license. Upon receipt, MSBOC will send you information about testing, if testing is required.
Video Transcript: All applicants are required to take a Mississippi Law and Business Management exam. In addition, applicants must take a trade exam, if one is required. For a complete listing of classifications and required exams, go to the CLASSIFICATIONS page on this website.
A general building contractor may choose to take the NASCLA Accredited Examination for Commercial General Building instead of the Mississippi Building Construction exam. The NASCLA Accredited Examination for Commercial General Building is used by state contractor licensing agencies to test commercial general building contractor candidates who are applying for a commercial contractors license. It is the only multi-state exam for commercial general building contractors. The examination has been designed to reduce redundant licensing requirements and assist contractors who need to be licensed in multiple jurisdictions. The NASCLA Accredited Examination for Commercial General Building is accepted in Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, U.S. Virgin Islands, Virginia, and West Virginia.
A Master Electrical contractor may choose to take the NASCLA Accredited Electrical Examination instead of the Mississippi Master Electrical exam. The NASCLA Accredited Electrical Examination Program has been developed to improve the overall quality and validity of trade licensing examinations in general for electricians. The program also provides contractor mobility by allowing electricians the opportunity to cross state borders without having to take multiple electrical examinations. The NASCLA Accredited Electrical Examination is currently accepted in Alabama, Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri and South Carolina. For up to date information on the NASCLA Accredited Electrical Examination program please visit NASCLA’s website at
All exams are administered by PSI. The Board will furnish you a PSI Candidate Information Bulletin and notify PSI of your eligibility to sit for an exam. MSBOC will email you a confirmation notice indicating you are eligible to schedule an exam. You will not be allowed to do so until you receive this confirmation.
The PSI Candidate Information Bulletin contains all the information for registering for and scheduling an exam. It also provides a listing of exam reference materials and exam content outlines. Please refer to the PSI Candidate Information Bulletin for exam locations and scheduling the exam.
Video Transcript: Any owner, officer or responsible managing employee can take the exam. You can have more than one qualifier and different qualifiers for different classifications. A qualifying party may serve no more than three separate entities as the qualifying party without first appearing before the board and being granted special permission.
The following companies offer prep courses for contractors taking the PSI exams. *The information listed below is provided for informational purposes only. As a state agency, MSBOC cannot endorse or recommend any particular course or company.
American Contractors 1-800-992-1910
Mississippi Contractor Licensing Service 1-800-432-9930
Builders License Training Institute 1-800-727-7104
MyContractorsLicense 1-877-699-0775
Contractors Institute 1-804-556-5518
All active license holders must show proof of general liability insurance in order to remain in good standing. However, a license holder can request to be placed on “INACTIVE” status. In order to do so, the license holder must complete the APPLICATION TO CHANGE STATUS OF CERTIFICATE LICENSURE FORM along with a $25.00 processing fee. A new license will be issued reflecting the INACTIVE status. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE LICENSE HOLDER IS STILL REQUIRED TO PAY ANNUAL RENEWAL FEES DURING THE INACTIVE STATUS PERIOD DESPITE BEING INELIGIBLE TO SUBMIT A BID, ENTER INTO A CONTRACT, PULL PERMITS OR PERFORM WORK. In order to return to “ACTIVE” status, the license holder must submit a written request to be returned to ACTIVE status along with a $25.00 processing fee and proof of general liability insurance. Commercial license holders will also have to produce required financial information before returning to active status. Upon receipt, a new license will be issued reflecting reinstatement of ACTIVE status.
Video Transcript: Complaints are processed according to their degree of severity and the date of receipt. Each complaint is reviewed to determine if it falls within the jurisdiction of the Mississippi State Board of Contractors. If MSBOC determines that the complaint requires further investigation, it will be assigned to an investigator.
A copy of the complaint will be mailed to the contractor advising him or her a complaint has been filed and asking for a response. The MSBOC investigator will contact both parties to obtain a statement, schedule a meeting or visit the jobsite. The investigation may also include interviews with other parties who can furnish relevant information.
The investigator will evaluate all the information gathered through the jobsite visit, building codes, plans and specifications, industry standards and other information furnished by the complainant and the contractor. Formal disciplinary proceedings may be initiated after the investigator has concluded the investigation.
Investigation by MSBOC does not guarantee restitution to complainants or force specific performance. If your primary interest is to gain restitution or force specific performance, you should pursue the matter in court or consult with an attorney regarding other available remedies. If the investigator concludes that the allegations have no merit, the complainant and the contractor will be notified in writing.
The Notice of Hearing and Complaint is the formal document that starts the hearing process. The notice tells the contractor (“Respondent”) the specific laws it is alleged to have violated and describes the conduct the contractor allegedly engaged in that violates the law. The Notice of Hearing and Complaint also advises the contractor of the specific date, time and place the administrative hearing will take place. The administrative hearing is an action between the Board and the contractor. However, the complainant is encouraged to appear at the hearing to testify to the facts of the case as they relate to the complaint against the contractor. Any documents, photographs, or other exhibits you wish to have entered into evidence and considered by the Board at a hearing, should be submitted to MSBOC at least ten (10) days prior to a scheduled hearing. Otherwise, a party desiring to submit evidence will be required to submit a minimum of thirteen (13) copies on the day of the scheduled hearing.
At the conclusion of the hearing, the Board will make a decision regarding the alleged violations and violations of the law may result in disciplinary action against the contractor. Discipline may include fines or penalties, suspension, revocation, letter of reprimand, probation, or other discipline. The findings of fact, conclusions of law and order of the Board will be mailed to the contractor and complainant.
The contractor has ten (10) days from the date of the Board’s decision to appeal pursuant to Miss. Code Ann. §73-59-13(11) or Miss. Code Ann. §31-3-23.
Video Transcript: Yes. To obtain a commercial license, you must have a Mississippi Sales Tax number or Use Tax number. If you are applying for a residential license, you must furnish a Mississippi Income Tax I.D. Number, Federal Tax I.D. Number or a Social Security Number. To obtain one of these required numbers please contact the Mississippi Department of Revenue at (601) 923-7000 or visit
Residential license holders with the classification of RESIDENTIAL BUILDER are allowed to work on commercial projects provided the job does not exceed 7500 square feet.
If the entity type is not changing (for example Johnson Inc. changes to JMR Inc.) you can get an amended certificate of authority from the Secretary of State’s office. Attach proof of this amendment to our NAME CHANGE FORM and send it in with the $50 name change fee. If the entity type is changing (for example an LLC changes to a corporation or an individual to a corporation) a new application is required. If the qualifier (the person who took the exam) is still with the company no new test is required. You simply complete the new application with everything in the new entity name (insurance, financial, tax numbers, etc.) and attach a letter explaining the change, listing your old license number and state that the qualifier is the same. We will pull your test scores from your old file.
Click here for Fee Schedule (Effective JAN 1. 2016)